I don’t think that Ghostbusters 2 is as funny as the original, but it is definitely a worthy effort and makes me wish they might actually partake on a third installment. I was quite impressed in the follow up film that the writers chose to make the boys less successful; it definitely upped the comedy factor in a few senses and I have to say that I really laughed out loud when it was revealed that Venkman was now a host of a psychic TV talk show that no one will go on.
I have to give credit where credit is due and compliment Sigourney Weaver. This is a woman who can play just about any role (and has) and shockingly in the Ghostbusters series is a match for Bill Murray, her warm personality versus his dry and dark character is incredibly entertaining and you would not think that could be the case.
I would have to say that there is enough to Ghostbusters 2 to keep the audience entertained, but that if the leads can ever find it in themselves to make a third film in the series it would be adored by fans everywhere.
Director: Ivan Reitman
Writers: Dan Aykroyd & Harold Ramis
Peter Venkman: Bill Murray
Ray: Dan Aykroyd
Dana: Sigourney Weaver
Egon: Harold Ramis
Louis: Rick Moranis
Winston: Ernie Hudson
Janosz: Peter MacNicol
Ray: Ungrateful little yuppie larva. After everything we did for this city.
Winston: Yeah, we conjured up a hundred-foot marshmallow man, blew the top three floors off an uptown high-rise, and ended up getting sued by every city, county, and state agency in New York.
Ray: Yeah... but what a ride.
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