From all the times I've moved out of my comfort zone ( I call it home too), this is the first time I arrived in a place where I already got a story.
Somehow I've been spied all this years by some kind of secret society, that now have strengthened connections with my mom, where's too much information running around.
As result I've been labeled as the cousin/nephew with overprotected standards.
I was having lunch with my cousin and she asked me if I wanted fruit. Ohhhhh yeah I just started thinking about a local colorful, exotic fruit basket and she says : "We got apples, pears..."
Man........... apples and pears !?!? I think even Mr.Newton would find it boring

I wanna see the markets but a shopping center sabotaged my plans...
Guess I also need to realize is not the same place from where I used to get cars made of cans as souvenir, master pieces for my eyes.
I gonna have to catch up with some changes apart from the sights of the city under constant construction that seemed to be changing everyday in front of my eyes.
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