I didn’t even come in and this beautiful old black magic woman is checking me out through the bars gate, blinking her eyes and moving her head forward to observe me closer.
Before I even have time to say “Hi”, she says “You’re from Coimbra’s family, aren’t you?”
I smiled and answered “Yes I am, Tia Guida! But do you know who I am?”. “Sure I know, just need to look at your face”, she tells me, “And don’t call me aunty! Do you know who I am? I was your grandmother’s best friend, I’m grandma, ok!!!”
I smiled and answered “Yes I am, Tia Guida! But do you know who I am?”. “Sure I know, just need to look at your face”, she tells me, “And don’t call me aunty! Do you know who I am? I was your grandmother’s best friend, I’m grandma, ok!!!”
She slowly stands up and hugs me, making me sense something wet coming out of my eyes that I managed to clean as she still grabs me =)
That’s just an example of what happens every time I meet a new family member or mum’s childhood friend. They stare at me smiling for a few seconds and I barely need to introduce myself, some get so emotional that I don’t know what to do or say, thinking about what my mum possibly lived with them back in the old happy days, as they say!
After that starts the questioner and advicing board? What do I do? What have I study? Job? Boyfriend? Husband? Children? How do I like Angola? And of course, that now I just need to find a wealth man that treats me right and live forever happily in Angola… All I do is roll my eyes and shake my head while I laugh!!!!!!!
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